Strange Facebook favicon behavior

Perhaps this is nothing, but I might as well document it anyway. So I was browsing my news feed a few moments ago when I noticed MG had liked a few tumblr posts. So not one to ignore, I clicked through.

Screen Shot 2012-06-28 at 10.32.33.png

I opened a few extra tabs but when I opened the second thumbnail, a link to Path’s blog, I noticed the Facebook favicon in the corner.

Screen Shot 2012-06-28 at 10.30.56.png

This is the link from the image above:

I figured it was a bug, but then again this is Facebook, there’s probably something a little more sinister at work here. I opened a few more links to see if they behaved similarly. Strangely, they do display the Facebook favicon, but only for a fraction of a second before it’s swapped with the proper favicon. It’s barely noticeable. Chrome shows that they are links to external websites, so why does it load Facebook momentarily?

Screen Shot 2012-06-28 at 10.39.15.png

This is probably totally normal, but this is Facebook, no doubt there’s something sleazy at play here. It’s probably no different to the way Twitter force a route, either way I’m keen to learn more about it. Maybe one of you guys can shine a light on this?

Further Reading thanks to @jixop

How is facebook tracking our (outgoing) URLs?

The insanity of URL shorteners and tracking


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