Fires of Kuwait. A tragedy beautifully told.

As a child of about 4 or 5, I think I was more aware of the Gulf War than other children my age. I had many friends in school that came to Ireland to escape the terror of the Gulf War. My dad, an Egyptian, would sit with a cigarette lit in his mouth as he watched reports from the Middle East. The oil fields would burn, I could smell the smoke. Stories from the indigenous perspective would be projected into our living room, translated by my dad of course. As an Irish–Egyptian I will always have a connection to the region.

About this time last year, I came across a short film that brought a lot of those feelings back for me. Perhaps it’s the nostalgia of the old grainy film; whatever it is, it’s a tragedy beautifully told. It’s difficult to explain the emotions when watching this film but If you’ve got 30 minutes, I recommend you watch this.


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Apple confirms it will stream ‘iPad Mini’ event via Apple TV

It’s expected that later today Apple will announce the ‘iPad Mini’. However, in an interesting turn of events they’ve announced that the event will be streamed live via Apple TVs. This is the first time an Apple event has been streamed... Continue →