The Greatest Designer

The purpose of design is to improve a function while feeling as though it was never any other way. To exist without the memory of a beginning, like the day you were born. To be, greater than before, to the point of a new essence.

Life has this way of catching us at random intervals, as though it was designed to make its presence felt. Reminding us of our mortality, it implores us to improve our functions. It’s as if life was designed with no other motive than to improve itself. So indistinguishable from its nature, it could only be a product of The Greatest Designer.


Now read this

The age of nostalgia

Listening to this makes me feel so nostalgic for a time before all the notifications, tweets and emails. The 90’s. With no comprehension of time or the future, all you cared about was the now. The world was the road you lived on. Eating... Continue →