Compounded Mediocrity

The senior partner, the one with the skills to solve the problem, can sometimes become the problem. He and his ego wouldn’t want to hire somebody smarter than himself, and so in his misguided ways he avoids the threat by hiring a less capable subordinate. This trickles down from the top until you have an organization permeated with compounded mediocrity.

We’ve all had that horrible PM, boss, even friend, the guy that resented you for your ambition, creativity or inquisitive ways. He’d do anything to quell your spirit, the thing that makes you you. So long as humans exist, these people will. Whether you’re hiring or being hired, avoid these people like the plague.


Now read this

The iPod’s Dark UI Pattern

Normally when you think of “bad design”, you think of laziness or mistakes. […] Dark Patterns are different – they are not mistakes, they are carefully crafted with a solid understanding of human psychology, and they do not have the user... Continue →