Apple confirms it will stream ‘iPad Mini’ event via Apple TV  

It’s expected that later today Apple will announce the ‘iPad Mini’. However, in an interesting turn of events they’ve announced that the event will be streamed live via Apple TVs. This is the first time an Apple event has been streamed live since 2010, and the first time via an Apple TV.

If you explore this idea further, Apple could decide to stream new product launches on the very products they’re launching. For example, Apple could stream a video of the new Apple TV experience to our old Apple TVs; in effect simulating the new experience in our homes for a few brief moments.


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The iPod’s Dark UI Pattern

Normally when you think of “bad design”, you think of laziness or mistakes. […] Dark Patterns are different – they are not mistakes, they are carefully crafted with a solid understanding of human psychology, and they do not have the user... Continue →